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Couples Counselling Practice Counselling for Couples and Individuals with Dawn Kaffel
West Hampstead in North West London and Central London W1


Relationship Counselling in North West London, Central London W1 and online

My name is Dawn Kaffel, welcome to my practice. I have been working in private practice in Hampstead and Central London as a relationship therapist and counsellor for over twenty years.

I am a well qualified and highly experienced Couples Counsellor offering relationship counselling for couples and individuals. Prior to the pandemic I was working online and from my practices in West Hampstead and North West London. I hope to return to working with clients face to face in Central London from a practice in W1 close to Marylebone High Street at some date in the future. For more information about online counselling please click here and, for more details about my general working practice, please click here.

I offer couples and relationship counselling to same-sex and heterosexual individuals and couples and my clients come from a wide range of different backgrounds, cultures and religions. I take an impartial and empathic approach in a confidential and caring setting.

I believe we all want the best relationship we can possibly have but we are, unfortunately, often left disappointed and let down. Relationship therapy can offer couples an opportunity to discuss and understand more clearly what is not working and help them work towards making changes that will enhance a partnership. With this in mind I often integrate Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) into my work. This process helps make sense of relationship distress and helps clients understand and change negative patterns into more secure and safe connections. By using a series of steps that were developed by Dr Susan Johnson in Canada, couples learn to reconnect and work towards a stronger emotional bond. Please click here to see a short video of Dr Johnson speaking about EFT.

A relationship doesn't need to be in crisis to for you to come for counselling. Having the space to think and reflect on what we want from our lives and relationships with an experienced couples counsellor can really help to clarify and facilitate change.

Topic for May - How do partners navigate mental illness in their relationship?


Last week’s Mental Health Awareness Week (13-19 May) theme was Movement. Simply making time every day last week to step outside in daylight and increase my steps made a significant change to how I felt and managed my stress.

Working as a couples ‘therapist for over 25 years I am acutely aware just how many more of us are struggling with mental health or that of their partners. Thankfully now there is much more awareness and understanding of mental health conditions but sometimes it’s difficult to make sense of how mental health issues impact on a couple relationship.

How does mental illness affect the couple relationship and how does a partner navigate these difficult times?

We all experience ups and downs in our relationships but if one or both people in the relationship are having mental health problems this often brings extra challenges and we underestimate the impact this can bring to the strongest of relationships.

Read the full article here...

Please click here to send me an email or call me on 020 8959 9528 or 07976 403741.


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